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A few words about me


I have battled constipation since I was a child, food allergies, anxiety and a overly sensitive digestive track.   As a young adult I abused laxatives because I didn’t know any better and probably caused more damage.  This is how I ended up so enthusiastic about all things digestive and the connection with our emotional state of being and our gut health.  I had lost my parents when I was 20 and had 2 kids by age 24.  I was a busy young mom with no guidance, so books became my source for motherly advice.  I love learning about the body, the mind, the spirit and sharing my knowledge. We are all students and teachers, sharing is truly caring.  

I stumbled on to colon hydrotherapy at a Christmas party, a friend of a friend started telling a story about going to see his naturopath and the people in the waiting room, how he could tell they were the ones going for colon hydrotherapy because they looked so scared.  I was intrigued, what is this colon hydrotherapy? I went home fired up the old computer, this was 17 years ago and found colon hydrotherapy, Fort integrated Health, Fort Langley.  I made my first appointment and started my sessions, I felt amazing I was able to quit smoking through it all change many eating habits to improve bowl function and saw weight loss benefits.  The naturopath Dr. Gurdev Parmar at Fort integrated health liked my upbeat energy and my keen interest in natural health and told me if I took my course he would hire me.  I signed up for school started down a new career path at Fort Integrated Health.  So that funny story not only set me on a health journey but a career choice  and  I also married the man who told the story. He still tells a great story and he’s an amazing husband.

Outside of my practice, I am passionate about my family, I hang out with a centurion regularly she’s 102 lives in a two story house, cooks for her self and gardens she has been my inspiration for how I want to grow old, and what to value in my life.  Taking care of my mother’s mother is the  last gift I can give her.    I love to paddle board, hike and garden, using some of the herbs and plants I gather to make my own skin care products. I believe you are what you eat and what you expose your body to.  So I spend a lot of time in kitchen as well, creating healthy flavourful foods from scratch with clean natural ingredients.   I bake,pressure can and preserve when things are in season and local.  Books are a big part of my everyday life, I love expanding my mind trying new things.   One of my passions is yoga, now I don’t do traditional yoga like a set class.   I did bikram hot yoga for years and some oxygen classes and read some great books on it. (One of my favourites is Inner engineering, a yogis guide to joy )  Now I practice what I call intuitive healing yoga focusing on moves that improve my posture connect them with deep rhythmic breathing to expand my lung capacity and ground myself and clear my mind allowing energy to flow freely set to sound healing chakra tracks. It’s has become a form of meditation, exercise and energy work, which in turn is a great help in balancing my digestive track.  It’s taking me a long time to get calm on the inside and the out and understand the connection.  

I believe if you eat right and live a balanced life you wont need colonics. Our bodies are amazing at filtering and cleansing themselves but only if we take care of them.  Were not !  life is busy, processed food is everywhere  and stress is at an all time high with inflation, social media, and broken health care.   My goal is to help on you decrease your toxic overload, improve digestive function and share the tools that can help you achieve proper elimination habits so you don’t need colonics to achieve what your body can do on its own. To bring balance to your life 

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